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Microman 2005 Series

Microman Series


Microman 2005



Magne Force Series (4/28/05)

MGM-01 Achilles

MGM-02 Theseus (5/05)

MGM-03 Icurus (5/05)


MGA-01 Phobos

MGA-02 Atlas

MGA-03 Metis (5/05)


Road Spartan Series with Road Force Microman (7/2005)
RS-01 Mach Slugger with Kaito

RS-02 Ride Python with Ryu

RS-03 Delta Phantom with Thunder

RS-04 Side Caliber with Ray


Acroyear EXO Series (9/29/05)
AX-31 Acro Optom

AX-32 Acro Grabz

AX-33 Acro Emperor

AL-31 Acro Stera

EXO : AcroWyvern


Micro Sisters Series (11/05)

MS-01 El

MS-02 Shion

MS-03 Ran

MS-04 Orga




US Edition Microman (4/05)

Microman Biomachines with Exclusive DVD


Devilock 20th WCC Exclusive (6/5/05)
Mask'd Black

Mask'd Red (7/05)


e-Hobby Exclusive Transformers Collector's Edition Set (7/05)

Ga'mede & Magnificus


Toys R Us Exclusive (7/05)

Road Force Microman Stands Set


Microman Material Force Special Edition (9/05)

Tokyo Walker Microman


Quanto Magazine Lucky Draw Prize (10/05)

Silver Acroyear Military Force


Toys R Us Exclusive Material Force Special Edition (10/14/05)

Tan MF Massive Type


Toys R Us Exclusive (10/21/2005)

ALV-01 Acro Manon

AF-01 Microman Falcon


Toys R Us Exclusive Material Force Set (11/16/2005)

Material Force Shining Coat Edition


Toy's Dream Project Exclusive Magne Force Microman (11/05)

Space Traveler Version (USA Campaign Timanic Colors)

MGM-01SP Achilles

MGM-02SP Theseus


Microman 2005 Story

Microman 2005 story appeared in manga format and publish in Quanto magazine in monthly serial series. This was a change from the previous CGI photo story format used for Microman 2004 line.






Official Microman Website

Takara official site for Microman 2005. Takara reformat the site for the 2005 series.


With another successful year for the new Microman Force series, Takara launched the follow up series dully called Microman 2005. The first series to debut for 2005 line, however, was nothing short of dull. TAKARA again brought back the much revered Magnemo series. Instead of the name Titan (the original Microman Magnemo line name), the 2005 Magnemo Microman series was called "Magne Force" probably as a nod to the recent attempt at Magnemo revival of the Magne Power line and to tie the series in with the "2004 Micro Force Series".  The new 2005 Magnemo body however was nothing like the 1999 attempt, TAKARA has cleverly combined the Full Action style body with Magnemo-8 and Magnemo-11 features. The series even pay homage to the vintage line with celestial names such as Microman Phobos and Microman Icarus.  

Unlike the 2004 line, TAKARA decided to commission new Microman manga serial that will tell the story of the Microman 2005. The new manga was published as monthly serial in Quanto magazine and replaced the CGI Photo Story series. While the Magne Force series contained both Microman and Acroyear side, TAKARA also have all Microman series called Road Spartan slate for summer, which will combined Microman with cycle theme. Acroyear would also get their own series called Acroyear EXO later in the year. The EXO will be a homage to the vintage 1975 President Acroyear and his Acroyear Navy Force.  The year 2005 began poorly for TAKARA which again faced with another financial trouble so it was a very pleasant surprise to see Takara devoted still ample resources to the Microman line-up. So far with the Magne Force, it seem TAKARA will have another good year with Microman series.