SH Classic Masked Riders Series (GD-56) Masked Rider I (New Ver.) (c.2002)





















Kamen Rider Ichi-go or Masked Rider One was originally released in 2001 as part of Bandai Souchaku Henshin Chogokin line of Classic Riders. For some reason, Bandai decided to start the series with the Original Kamen Rider 1 (Old Version). They then, curiously, released New Version of Kamen Rider 2. The more commonly seen New Rider 1 was never produced by Bandai Japan. This was to be remedy in 2002, when Bandai-Asia produced the Classic Riders for Hong Kong market, they released several variants of the original Masked Rider 1 & 2 that were never produced by Bandai Japan, including the Old version of Rider 2 and and this New version of Rider 1. Bandai HK variants of Souchaku Henshin Kamen Rider 1 & 2 were later sold in Japan only as limited edition by Toy's Dream Project stores. (The packaging was slightly altered with added Chogokin GD# and Toei seal of approval.)

Overall the SH Masked Rider 1 had very nice sculpt (same sculpt for all variants of the Original Kamen Rider design), but like other Masked Riders in this Souchaku Henshin Classic series, this old design just did not work well with this armored format. The old Riders were usually pretty skinny with actor wearing just normal cloth outfit. The SH treatment made them appeared a little out of proportion (especially if you were used to the realistic look of RAH or Hyper Hero Kamen Rider figures).  The die-cast armors gave the classic figures slightly bulky appearances, but after I get used to them I have became very found of these figures (probably due to nostalgic factor). The bulky style, to me, gave them somewhat of a retro feel of the old Chogokin toys. It was rather cool to have my childhood Masked Riders in the same format as the new modern Riders. They might not look the best in this format but there is definitely certain charm in the old designs that just resonate with someone like me who grew up with the pioneers of Kamen Riders. The New Kamen Rider 1 came with his trademark lighter color mask and silver boots and gloves "armors". The silver was nicely painted and look really nice on the figure.

(GD-56) SH Series Masked Rider I (New version)

Bandai Hong Kong first released Rider 1 New Version as just SH Chogokin toys The toy came package in same style window box. The figure was later sold in Japan as limited edition by Toy's Dream Project and numbered as Chogokin GD-56.

Unmasked Mode

The core body was similar style body used since the original Saint Seiya Cloth line which made it a little dated by today standard. However, this was one of the aspect that drawn me to this line. The ability to "henshin" into the Rider by adding "cloth" armor costume made these SH figures a lot like small scale Henshin Cyborg and RAH costume hero. The head, as usual was too small when unmasked and figure was obviously design to be display in armored mode. The Classic Riders all shared generic head design. Below, the figure display with his helmet off. 

Weapon Accessories

 Kamen Rider Nin-go or Masked Rider 2 did not come with any weapon accessories since he didn't have any in the TV shows to begin with.