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1999 Magne Powers Microman Exclusive
Chrome Magne Powers Microman Set (6/1999)


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MA001/M185 came package in plastic baggie with the above color print.


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Chrome Movie Edition Magne Powers Microman

Takara released three set of toys for the Microman Movie Commemorative Series.   The first set was this Chrome Edition of the Magne Powers Microman.   The second is the chrome version of Demon Acroyers with movie poster jig-saw puzzle, and the third set is the Magne Powers Microman repaint in anime style.  While the anime version were only available at the movie house that were showing Microman movie and the jig-saw were department store exclusive, the Chrome Edition were widely available as a mass market product. 

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Walt and Odin 

The Chrome Edition is probably the nicest of all the repaint Magne Powers figures released by Takara thus far.   The chrome body make the details of the diminutive Magne Microman stand out.     The package are also nicely done instead of the rehash of the old red package, Takara design a brand new beautiful chrome blister card, that holds all five Microman plus a small gold medallion.   If you have been putting off getting the Magne Powers Microman then these guys are probably the best one to get.   They look a lot better than the clear or the solid color one and are widely and cheaply available.

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Izam and Edison