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Micro Showcase - Matt D.'s Project

Custom Microman by Matt Doughty

Microman Nash - by Matt Doughty

Nash is the leader of Acro-Hunters Unit - a Hunter-Killer Team organize to hunt down the Acroyears.



Bio-Acroyear - by Matt Doughty

Fusion of pure Acroyear life-force.  The cause of the Acro-virus that wipe out most of Microman forces.


 Beetle Trooper - by Matt Doughty

A mystery space tracker with hidden agenda.


 Microman Arthur Grey - by Matt Doughty

Matt Doughty send me several pictures of his fantastic custom Microman figures.  These figures are incredible and rival that of custom work one see in "Microman The Another Story" book.   Matt said he has plan to publish his custom project as "mini-book" and I can't wait to see the final product.

Here are some of Matt's custom Microman works.  I digitized the pictures from the set of printed notecards he send me so they are a little fuzzy.

Combat Team - by Matt Doughty



 Prototype 01 - by Matt Doughty


 Microbot Ankram - by Matt Doughty