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BACK TO: HENSHIN CYBORG Henshin Cyborg - Shonen 2000
Takara e-Shop Exclusive - Silver Shonen Cyborg and Blue King Walder Jr. Set (6/2000)


Takara e-Shop Exclusive Shonen Cyborg Set came package in a beautiful clear plastic box with Shonen logo.  Each figure also come package in an individual window box design to look like the vintage Cyborg box.


Here is a close-up view of Shonen Cyborg (Silver) without the human head.


And here is a close-up look at King Walder Jr.

Takara first Shonen Cyborg reproduction was sold as an exclusive on-line special.  Takara probably did this to see if there are enough interest in more reproduction of Shonen Cyborg.


Silver Shonen Cyborg

Since I do not own any vintage version of Shonen Cyborg, I can't fully do a direct comparison.   From the pictures in Hyper Mook 6 Legend of Victory, which has several pictures of vintage Shonen Cyborg, it look like the reproduction version is very faithful to the original.

Blue King Walder Jr.

Shonen Cyborg and King Walder Jr. is an 8" tall version of the original Cyborg.  While 8" King Walder Jr. was sold in England as Muton back in the early 70's, he was never available in Japan.