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Medicom RAH Series

RAH 100 TRON (c.2002)


Real Action Heroes RAH



RAH100 Tron (2002)
A: Tron & Orange Light Cycle

B: Flynn & Red Light Cycle

C: Soldier & Yellow Light Cycle

D: Sark & Blue Light Cycle


RAH100 Micro Batta (2003)
A: Cocobatta & Insecta

B: Skullhead & Dark Insecta


RAH100 Tron series was sold in very big plastic box. The box, like most Medicom package, was beautifully design.  The cardboard insert had matte black color with Tron and RAH logo in 3-D like box.  The package box also decorated with white "computer-grid".   Each set came with a figure and a Light Cycle. The Light Cycle had fully working wheels and removable cockpit.  Each set also came with matching color "light wall" that can be attach to the Light Cycle.  Tron, Flynn and Sark came with a "Disc" and a stick accessories while the foot soldier came with a staff. Since Microman were basically a miniature 10cm (100mm) version of 12" Henshin Cyborg, RAH100 were Medicom homage to Microman - a 100mm version of their RAH series.


The figure fit inside the cockpit of the Light Cycle in prone position. Above is Tron Light Cycle which is orange color.

RAH100 Tron (Set A)

Medicom RAH100 resembled much of vintage Microman figure.  The figure featured multiple articulations.

Top to Bottom - Flynn, Soldier & Sark

The RAH100 version of the Light Cycle was pretty faithful to the movie design. The front wheel had middle section that roll which help preserve the sleek look of Syd Mead original design.

Side view of Sark's Blue Light Cycle.